Thursday, March 26, 2009

Detox Symptoms - Or Not?

Well...this is my 4th day on a completely (between 85-100%) raw diet. I woke up with a tummy-ache this the start of nausea. I ended up drinking ginger tea and made some oatmeal by soaking the oats in warm water and then adding some maple syrup and raisins. I felt mild nausea off and on all morning and didn't feel like eating much else until the late afternoon. I laid around and watched movies. In the late afternoon I started to feel hungry, that is when I started craving Pizza, of all things...and saltine crackers...what was that about? I don't know if this is detox or not (doesn't seem severe enough -from what I have read), but it was unusual. I never did throw-up, but I craved the strangest cooked foods...saltine crackers, of all the things in the world to crave....why those?! Anyway...I was much more hungry in the afternoon and ate some raw food, mostly cabbage, raisins and a marinated portobello mushroom...oh yes, and a banana with almond butter wrapped in a romaine leaf. My stomach is still acidy, off and on, but no nausea at the moment. I will be heading to bed we shall see how I feel in the morning. =)

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