(official recipe from The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose)

Makes 1 Serving
1 head romaine lettuce or celery
5 - 6 stalks kale (any type)
1 -2 apples (as needed for sweetness - I recommend fuji)
1 whole organic lemon
1 - 2 tablespoons fresh ginger (optional)
Process the vegetables through the juicer by admitting one vegetable at a time...Notice how the lemon really cuts out the "green" taste that most people try to avoid.
I didn't have any romaine lettuce, celery or kale, so I used a whole bunch of collard greens instead. I still used 2 apples (fuji) and lemon. I didn't have any fresh ginger on hand...so I used organic ground ginger instead. It was soooo yummy!!! I will be making and drinking TONS of this stuff! It tastes like a glass of spring!!! YUM!!!
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